Exhibition | A is for Animal

September 15-October 15, 2022

We welcome pets not just into our home, but into our family. We stop in our tracks at seeing a cardinal outside the window on a cold March day. Our heart thrills at the rare sighting of a pileated woodpecker in a nearby tree. Starfish, porpoise, and seals in Penobscot Bay stir excitement at the idea of wildlife below the surface. When interacting with another species we see something of ourselves, and also feel the thrill of connecting with something new and outside of the familiar. From farm animals, to pets, to chance encounters with wildlife, these artists remind us to notice the animals in our lives. 

10% of the profit from this exhibition will be donated to PAWS.

Artists include: Siri BeckmanHannah BertaJulie CraneBrenton Hamilton, David Jacobson, Breehan James, Antonia MunroeColin Page, Peggi Kroll RobertsPolly Ryel, Michael Stasiuk, Chris Van Dusen


Siri Beckman
wood engraving, 5x7"

Moraine Park

Siri Beckman
Moraine Park
wood engraving, 8x6"

Pileated Woodpeckers

Siri Beckman
Pileated Woodpeckers
woodcut, 11x11"


Brenton Hamilton
platinum palladium, 15.5x11"

Iced Pond

David Jacobson
Iced Pond
murrini hand-blown glass with kiln-cast glass base, 10x9x6"